
The QOLIBRI scores are reported on a 0-100 scale , where 0=worst possible quality of life and 100=best possible quality of life.

Calculating scale scores:-

Responses to the ‘satisfaction’ items (i.e. items on the Cognition, Self, Daily Life & Autonomy, and Social Relationships scales) are coded on a 1 to 5 scale, where 1= “not at all satisfied” and 5=”very satisfied”. Responses to the ‘bothered’ items (i.e. items on the Emotions and Physical Problems scales) are reverse scored to correspond with the satisfaction items, where 1=”very bothered” and 5=”not at all bothered”.

The responses on each scale are summed to give a total, and then divided by the number of responses to give a scale mean. The scale means have a maximum possible range of 1 to 5. The mean can be computed when there are some missing responses, but should not be calculated if more than one third of responses on the scale are missing. In a similar manner the QOLIBRI Total score is calculated by summing all the responses, and then dividing by the actual number of responses. Again, a total score should not be calculated if more than one third of responses are missing.

The scale means are converted to the 0-100 scale by subtracting 1 from the mean and then multiplying by 25. This produces scale scores which have a lowest possible value of 0 (worst possible quality of life) and a maximum value of 100 (best possible quality of life).

Sample PASW/SPSS syntax.

*** Means for QOLIBRI scales ****.
compute qcog= mean.5 (qa1 to qa7 ).
compute qself = mean.5 (qb1 to qb7 ).
compute qadl = mean.5 (qc1 to qc7 ).
compute qsoc = mean.4 (qd1 to qd6 ).
compute qemo = mean.4 (qe1 to qe5 ).
compute qphys = mean.4 (qf1 to qf5).
Compute qtot = mean.25(qa1 to qf5).
formats qcogn to qtot (f4.2).
*** Scores for QOL scales ****.
do repeat mean = qcog to qtot /
perc = pqcog pqself pqadl pqsoc pqemo pqphys pqtot.
compute perc = (mean – 1) * 25 .
formats perc (f5.1).
end repeat print.
var labels pqcog ‘Cognition’ /
pqself ‘Self’ /
pqadl ‘Daily life & autonomy’ /
pqsoc ‘Social Relationships’ /
pqemo ‘Emotions’ /
pqphys ‘Physical Problems’/
pqtot ‘QOLIBRI Total’.

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